Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gunther, My Newest Arrival

I picked Gunther up from the vet's yesterday after work.  Yes, another boy.  Yes, another adorable gray tabby baby.  He is 3 weeks old and such a good little boy.  He is gentle, content and loves to purr when I hold him.  Back to 2 or 3 am feedings but only for a week.  He was 278g yesterday and is now 332g today.  He drinks about half a bottle each feeding which is good.  He is going to be spoiled rotten as I carry him around after his feedings so he knows he is loved and not alone.
     A couple came to see Fergusson today and fell in love with him.  They will pick him up on Sunday after his vet appointment on Saturday.  He will be loved in his new home which makes letting him go to his forever home a lot easier.  So Freckle and Fergusson will close the chapter on this set of "F" babies and will both leave on the same day.

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